Friday, 14 August 2015

Cottage randoms - Ezra Moro

I dunno, just felt like posting pics.

Wanna get back to uploading stuff and blah


ezra moro ezramoro #ezramoro "ezra moro" ezra+moro
Got there in the late afternoon and it was a gray, cool day. - Ezra Moro

ezra moro ezramoro #ezramoro "ezra moro" ezra+moro
The Sun was sleeping - the fish weren't - Ezra Moro

ezra moro ezramoro #ezramoro "ezra moro" ezra+moro
Nice hideaway just around the corner - perfect for bass - Ezra Moro

ezra moro ezramoro #ezramoro "ezra moro" ezra+moro
Trust but not rusty Jeep - Ezra Moro

ezra moro ezramoro #ezramoro "ezra moro" ezra+moro
Tried fishing with minnows on a pickerel (walleye for Americans) rig - didn't work - Ezra Moro

ezra moro ezramoro #ezramoro "ezra moro" ezra+moro
Some sunlight squeezed between the cloud layer and horizon as the Sun dipped to the horizon - lasted a few moments -  Ezra Moro

ezra moro ezramoro #ezramoro "ezra moro" ezra+moro
Much nicer weather, but no fish to be caught - Ezra Moro

ezra moro ezramoro #ezramoro "ezra moro" ezra+moro
Fresh fruit, fresh water to play in, and fresh water to drink - Ezra Moro

ezra moro ezramoro #ezramoro "ezra moro" ezra+moro

#magnetawan #ahmic #lake #harbour #locks #boating #canoeing #fishing #cottage #cottagelife #muskoka #parrysound #summer #pics #ontario #photography #fishing #sport # # #

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